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Showing posts from December, 2021

Garrett J. White Review

Here is the third installment of our special series, “Profiles of Authority“,  where we share an interview with someone that has demonstrated the capability to position themselves being an authority of the industry. Today we talk to Garrett J. White, the “Master Coach Mentor” and creator of the Warrior 90 Day Challenge. At the age of 24 Garrett unleashed on the planet of Investment Banking and Real Estate Investing. Over another 6 years Garrett became a multi-millionaire while building 3 national mortgage companies, an empire in Real Estate, and an expert speaking career traveling, training and connecting with 1000s of people across the United States. But at the age of 30 Garrett lost everything. His empire in mortgages & real estate was struggling to get over the impact of the credit crunch and mortgage banking crisis. He was broke, in debt beyond belief and felt completely alone. The pressure of providing for a family group and the financial explosion in his persona...